Opt Out of Sale/Share/Targeted Advertising
In some cases, when we disclose your Personal Information (as defined under applicable state laws) to third parties (including through the use of certain third-party online tracking technologies on our website(s) and mobile application(s)) it may be considered a "Sale", "Sharing" or disclosure of your information for "Targeted Advertising" purposes under certain applicable state laws. You may opt out of the Sale/Share/Targeted Advertising of your Personal Information at any time by completing and submitting the form below. Alternatively, you can make an opt-out request by calling us directly at 888-232-4535 (toll free).
If you have an AE account (and would like us to remember your Opt-Out preference anytime you visit our Platforms), please either (1) submit the form below or (2) enable an Opt-Out Preference Signal and log into your AE account. If you do not provide the information requested, we may not be able to identify you and process your request.
For more information about our privacy practices, including about how we may “Sell,” “Share,” or otherwise disclose your Personal Information for Targeted Advertising, please review our Privacy Notice.
You have been opted out of sale/sharing.
Opt-Out Preference Signal (Global Privacy Control)
You may use an Opt-Out Preference Signal, such as the Global Privacy Control (GPC), to opt-out of the Sale/Sharing/Targeted Advertising of your Personal Information.
If you are using a GPC signal and are logged into your AE account, we will link your request to your profile (including the opt-out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Information offline). If you are not currently logged into an AE account your request to opt-out of Sale/Sharing/Targeted Advertising will only be linked to your browser identifier and not to your AE account information. You will need to submit the form below in order to opt-out of the sale or sharing of your Personal Information offline, including with Data Cooperatives (because the connection between your browser and your AE account is not known to us).